Let HER Lead Podcast with Sigrid Tasies®️ - Embodiment, Feminine Leadership, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Pleasure, Spirituality, Personal Freedom, Inspiration and Motivation to Live, Love and Lead Powerfully, with Purpose!

#66 The Rising of the Feminine - with Amy Natalie

Episode Summary

In today's episode I am joined by Amy Natalie, a Women's Empowerment Coach and a "Leader of the Feminine Rising". She supports women to overcome mindset blocks and get into alignment with their soul, and she is also the host of the amazing podcast called "Feminine Frequency". In this conversation, we dive deep into: - The Feminine Rising - what is it? - How the Feminine Rising impacts our lives and the collective. - What is the Feminine Rising asking of us, women and men? - The blocks the some women encounter when wanting (or resisting) their inner-feminine to rise. - How to start surrendering to this inevitable process, with more grace . - What's possible for the world, thanks to the rising of the feminine?

Episode Notes

"Embodying your feminine is the most rebellious act that you can take.”

Links mentioned in the episode:
